Happy New Year– Make Mission Statements for Your New Business Year and Reach for Your Dreams!

Knowing my why and making big goals has propelled me to unbelievable heights in the last few years in my business.

As a result, I have never felt so crystal clear on God’s callings on my life and business.

How do I do this?

I make a yearly mission statement!

Corporations are very familiar with this method of planning. As a matter of fact, when I worked for a Christian non-profit, communicating mission and vision statements was extremely central to what I did as a graphic designer.

Through this experience, I realized that mission statements are not just for corporations! They are for small business owners and yes, even homeschooling entrepreneurs like myself!

How did I do this?

I just took a little time one morning, perhaps a half-hour, and spent some focused time in prayer. I thumbed through my favorite book of the Bible, the Psalms, until I stumbled upon Psalm 84.

Psalm 84:5-7 has epitomized my life lately. I’ve walked a lot of lonesome valleys and while I’ve come across a few cool springs, I long for deep pools brimming with rain.

So that is the word picture I wanted of my year and of my business, a pool brimming with rain. With much prayer, I chose that as my mission. And my vision is coming true, including many unexpected events, like radio podcasts out of the blue and learning new skills such as hosting webinars.

After I chose that word picture, I wrote a vision statement: That God would do an abundant work in my family and me spiritually, professionally, financially, emotionally, educationally, and personally.

Then I wrote some goals based on that mission, including in my business.

Since writing this mission statement, I am experiencing a new burst of creativity, a deeper level of vision, and a burst of productivity like never before. I have laser focus to get my work done and I also have a new wisdom which allows me to protect my time. That means the wisdom of saying no to projects that don’t fit within my mission.

Here are the simple steps:

1) Set aside some time to pray;

2) Select a word picture from a verse that you want the year to be about;

3) Write your mission statement;

4) Write your vision statement;

5) Write your business goals as well as your personal, emotional, relationship, homeschooling, financial, and home goals;

6) Now make this a habit for everyday and you will be experiencing new heights in your life in no time at all!

Want a convenient, inspiring way to set these goals on a handy, beautiful form? Purchase my step by step guide on how to make a Yearly Blessing Plan. You will reach new heights in your life, business, and beyond!



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