Branding Strategy–Steps to Making Money Immediately with Your Brand

Make money immediately imageYou have a brand or are developing one. So now what?

You need a branding strategy. A branding strategy that makes you money immediately!

How is that possible? I am going to spend the next few posts on some ideas that will help you gain not only name recognition, but monetary reward!

Make sure your brand is consistent across all mediums, both online and offline.

Inconsistency makes your prospects confused. Whether it’s signage in front of a brick and mortar store or a banner on your blog, differences in the application of your logo can derail your profits.


Because it creates a lack of trust and a gap in credibility. If you don’t take your brand seriously and protect its integrity, why should your potential prospects?

Make sure your brand is the same on your website, on your blog, on your business cards, and your signage, if you have a physical office or store. Invite your target market into an experience with your product or service.

And not only make sure your brand is consistent, make sure it is of high quality. If you don’t take your brand seriously, why should your prospect take your business seriously?

Lessen confusion and communicate trustworthiness and you will increase your ROI!

To show you the immediate value of a consistent brand, let me tell you what happened to me last week. I received a call out of the blue from a retired photographer looking for graphic design help with a photo book. He had discovered me through a Craigslist ad I had posted nearly a month ago.

On the Craigslist ad, I included a link to my website. He had visited it and so was already familiar with my brand when he called to inquire about a job.

He wanted to add me as a Facebook friend, so he looked me up while we were on the phone and he immediately recognized me because my branding, including my personal photograph, was consistent!

Now here’s another story to illustrate what happens when your brand is not consistent: several months ago my husband and I were looking for a jazz club I had heard about. We really wanted to listen to live music. I had the address and the name of the business but I saw no sign. It was confusing and this uncertainty led us to ditch the idea of going to the club. We went to one that was already familiar to us! It’s brand was definitely strong and had burned into our minds that it was reliable!

Do you want your brand to make you immediate money? Join my webinar mentor program starting September 14 where you will learn how to make a brand that sizzles! Sign up now! The quicker you get started, the quicker your brand will make you money.

© Madartists |


  1. Hi Brandi,

    Super important reminder here!

    Create clarity by keeping consistent. We literally program others to recognize our brand. Similar to a commercial, when we see a logo or catch line again and again, across social networks and our blog, it becomes impressed on our minds.

    We create the impression by being consistent.

    Thanks for sharing your insight with us!


  2. Pingback: mistyka

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