What do you think is your company’s most valuable asset?
It is your brand!
Corporations spend tens of thousands of dollars and even millions of dollars on branding. Think about the “big guys” out there—the Targets and Visas and Starbucks, to name a few. They jealously guard their images. They trademark their logos and slogans. And they go after violators with a vengeance.
They know that their branding is their most important asset.
So why should you, as a business owner think any less?
Unfortunately, many small business owners gravitate to logos and branding that is cheap and free. In fact, some business owners don’t even know what branding is!
They put their business name in Helvetica and that’s the extent of it.
A good brand is more than finding a pretty or cool logo. Or going to a cheap and free resource that will give you templates and all you do is plug in your information.
The problem with these resources is it is not tailor-made to your unique business. It is not customized so that your prospects will easily recognize you.
It’s kind of like being lost in a sea of “cookie cutter” homes. Where I live, there are plenty of them! Every time I go in one of these neighborhoods, I get lost because I can’t tell the difference between one house and the next.
It’s the same with your logo and branding. If your logo looks the same as your competition, your prospect will be lost. There’s nothing to distinguish you from the crowd. This is especially problematic with the Internet.
But when you base a logo on strategic analysis, on your Unique Selling Point, your mission, target market, and other factors, you will be building a brand that brings value. This will mean an increase in your bottom line!
Because if you don’t take your business seriously, your prospects won’t take you seriously. That is what a poorly-constructed logo or brand communicates. The opposite is true, too—If you take your business seriously, your prospects will take you seriously. They will feel comfortable in doing business with you.
That’s what branding is all about. It’s about creating a sense of relationship and trust between your customer and you. It’s about building a certain comfort level. It’s about offering them a memorable picture that represents your company so that you come to the forefront in their minds when they need what you have to offer.
That is powerful indeed, and that will bring you branding in success!

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