As a work at home business owner, a tagline or slogan is no less important than a big-time corporate office.
Why is that? Because it gives a clear message why you are in business and what your business does for its customers. As the saying goes, brevity is the soul of wit. As a society, we are used to sound bites and the Internet is a noisy place, full of competition. You need to make a sound bite for yourself!
This is especially important in networking and social media. It’s an opportunity for you to introduce yourself, to stand out.
What does a slogan do? It helps your prospects understand better what product or service you provide and if the tagline is memorable, will keep your business in the forefront of their minds. This means when they have a need for your particular product or service, they will think of you and be more likely to contact you.
So how exactly do you write a tagline?
Think through the question most often asked in social circles, “What do you do?” What is your 60 second response? This is often called an elevator speech. Now cut that speech in half. Then cut it to 10 seconds. Can you get your message across in that amount of time and is it memorable?
Alliteration is a useful tool when it comes to writing slogans and taglines. So is humor, as long as it is tasteful and fits with your business. In networking groups I’ve been involved in, a couple of the ladies share some funny taglines that make people laugh. Often they rhyme. These are memorable for sure!
Using keyword research can be invaluable. After all, you want to make sure people online find you! This was the main method that my husband and I used when creating his tagline, “Safeguarding lives through strong and robust building design.” Building design was our main keyword. We also wanted to make sure his personality came through when writing the tagline. Because it shows what makes him different from other architects.
You want to also make sure your slogan is results-oriented. What benefit does your customer get from working with you or purchasing your product?
Here’s the main advantage of writing a tagline or slogan: It helps distinguish you and your business from the competition. It can brand you as an expert. Like my husband’s tagline shows that he is an expert in strong building design. That is a very unusual specialty and he is capitalizing on it through his slogan!
Do the same for your work at home business and you will experience branding success!