It seems to me with the coronavirus crisis we business owners find ourselves in, one of my favorite stories would be a good one to retell… so here goes…
During the Great Depression, there were two soap companies.
One stopped stocking products and pulled their advertising.
The other decided to use a new platform–radio. They combined radio with storytelling.
This soap company would produce radio theater plays that centered around a character named Ma Barker. It was all centered around the drama in her life.
And then the soap company would have commercials.
They invested in this new platform and they increased their advertising.
Which soap company survived the Great Depression?
The one that made the dramas of course!
And what was that soap company called?
And they created what is now called Soap Operas!
So how can you learn from this time in history?
Don’t shut down in the midst of this economic hardship. Be strategic and find ways to combine storytelling and this incredible medium we have now called the Internet!
You can take any service you sell and turn it into a product online.
Are you a financial planner? Create a video course.
Are you a fitness coach? Create a customized workout program via Skype.
Are you a coach for local business owners? Create ebooks and video courses. Then you can mentor business owners not only in your own city but across the country and even the world!
Most of all, don’t let fear overtake you. Move forward in faith and get creative. Invest in your business and it WILL pay off!
Photo by Adobe Stock