The coronavirus has and continues to be a destructive force for small business owners and entrepreneurs. It’s scary and devastating what is happening all over the country and all over the world.
But through this I have learned it’s not time to shrink back. It’s time to double down and re-strategize and get yourself out there in new ways. It’s time to take advantage of the power of the Internet and think outside of the box.
You may be–and I don’t blame you–extremely stressed and depressed and even might be wanting to throw in the towel.
Before you do, consider these 15 questions:
- What is your life and business about? Living a great life or loving a great God? (From Freedom From Emotional Eating by Barb Raveling)
- Why did you get into business in the first place?
- Do you need to pull back and rebuild?
- What is working? What is not working?
- What is God trying to teach you through this difficult time?
- Where is He in the midst of it and what is He saying to you?
- Do you have a strategic marketing plan or are you just throwing promotions at the wall, hoping they will stick?
- Are you communicating your value to your target market?
- Do you even HAVE a target market?
- Do you need to gain more skills or knowledge?
- Is fear holding you back?
- Do you believe that what you have to offer has value? Is there a feeling that you do not have value so is this self-doubt sabotaging your efforts?
- Do you have clear branding?
- Do you need help? Are you trying to carry the load all by yourself?
- What is God calling you to do?
- What is the next action step that you can do?
So when you are in that lonely place as a business owner—of crushing defeat which leads you to want to give up—truly contemplate the answers to these questions. You might just find that taking action on some of these questions will be just the thing you need to get off that treadmill of hopelessness caused by little progress and this coronavirus situation.
Photo by Adobe Stock.