We all know (or should know) the scientific definition of inertia. Basically, a body at rest stays at rest.
This tendency to remain unchanged does nothing for our businesses! We encounter resistance to change and our sales stagnate. Not a good situation.
So what can be done?
Gain momentum!
Momentum as defined in the dictionary is “the impetus gained by a moving object, the impetus and driving force gained by the development of a process or course of events.”
So what does this mean for your business? For your brand?
Performing the essential functions of business—marketing, product development, sales, and administration—is a process. It requires daily habits. It requires consistency. This discipline creates a snowball effect, one that results in change. It results in increased exposure of your brand. It ultimately leads to increased sales.
For instance, a year ago my husband and I had not implemented a marketing strategy for his business. We resisted change. We were comfortable with the two clients we had. But the lack of momentum almost destroyed us by Christmas. We could not rely on just two clients and my husband’s business stagnated.
In January, we became determined to reach out to three people per day. It was a very simple plan. It could be through online means, to an individual, a mailing, or a phone call. We did this consistently. And we started to see results. His brand awareness increased. He built momentum.
Now it’s easy to slack on these kinds of commitments and become complacent when times are well. We get comfortable. I’m reminded as I write this that I need to go back to this principle. It’s disastrous to only market AFTER you have finished work for all your clients and they have no more work for you!
It’s the same with blogging. It’s something that I have not been consistent at. But last week I joined a 30 day blogging challenge, which is the reason why I’m writing this article today. I don’t know the results yet. But what I do know is that by creating this habit, I will be increased momentum, and that will result in increased brand awareness, which will result in increased sales!
So build some momentum in your business today! Make a simple commitment, like reach out to three people per day or write one blog post per day. And join a group to keep you accountable.
When you are faithful to follow through on a consistent basis, your brand will sizzle and your future dazzle!