Tammie discovered her Brand Identity. Would you like to find yours?

A Note from Dana

So I kind of disappeared for awhile. So many responsibilities I’m trying to handle at once! But until now this blog was my last priority because frankly I wasn’t sure how it all fit into the big picture of my business.

But it’s becoming more clear to me now. And also what’s become clear is I can’t do it all by myself. That’s why I’m excited to announce that I have a new team member, Tammie Polk. Below please find an important note from her:


I discovered my Brand Identity. Would you like to find yours?


image-15It was February 2013. I was headed back to work after being on maternity leave for 12 weeks. I knew I didn’t want to be there. I knew that we could’ve made it for at least six months with our income tax refund. I had to do something! When the email came out asking for those who wanted to leave at the end of the year (I worked at a school), I was the first person to respond! It was then that I told myself that it was time!
But, I changed my mind. I started another job in August that offered more flexibility. I said to myself, “Okay. I can make this work.” And then, my husband got a promotion that caused me to have to let that job go. We were a one-car family and that wasn’t going to work out. I was stuck! I needed to do something, so I turned to the Internet for help.
Months later, I met Dana. I’d already established my business to a degree, but it wasn’t sparkling like she was talking about. Something was missing. She reached out to me and told me about Brand Identity Quest, which I was hesitant about at first. Like many others, I looked at the price. Even with the monthly payments, I was like, “I don’t know.”

Then I saw the 7 Day free trial and all of the bonuses—videos, teleseminars, support being a click away, valuable resources—and it made me think.


All of a sudden, 3 payments of $27 really didn’t look that bad. Dana challenged me to invest in myself. She told me how important that was to do, so I did! I had to. Why?
I found myself wanting to give up on what I started. I was ready to quit. I was about to close my business, pay the taxes I owed, and wait for a better time. Then, I had my strategy session with Dana. The roadmap she gave me not only brought me down off the ledge, it helped me to strengthen my business, start writing again, and led to me starting a second business with her support still at my side.


ttmcfinallogosmallI found my Brand Identity through Dana’s Quest. Choice Home Education Consulting and Tammie Terrell Mompreneur Coaching exist today because I saw that, for the price of a night out with my family of five, I could have that sparkling future that she talked about. From One King’s Daughter to Another and The Virtuous Business Woman—my book projects—exist today because I worked through the thought-provoking, engaging, and challenging lessons I found in Brand Identity Quest—TWICE! Plus, the additional investment of Dana’s coaching time was well worth it, including the design of one of my logos.

Now, I’m challenging you! Dana only has 1 bonus left that includes three FREE STRATEGY SESSIONS.This is a $197 value as after this slot is filled, she will be re-packaging the program and raising her prices.

How frustrated are you in your business endeavors right now? How much better do you want things to be? Do you believe in yourself and what you’re doing enough to invest in it? What is your business and happiness worth to you? How long are you going to sit here and stare at this email?
Are you ready to take this plunge into discovering your Brand Identity? If so, click here now to register into the program and claim your 3 free strategy sessions!

The journey of a lifetime begins with a first step! Will you take it?

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