Here’s a business advertising and marketing idea for you, the small or home-based business owner, that is often overlooked: treat your customer right!
How? By creating a customer retention program!
Why is this important? Because your current customer is your best customer. This seems to be forgotten by most companies, even major corporations. How many of us have been repelled by a big business that once we became a customer we were treated like we didn’t exist? I know I have!
If you keep the well-being of your customers in the forefront of your mind, you and your brand will be on the top of their minds! This is a business advertising and marketing idea you can bank on!
So how does this work and what can you do?
Here are some customer retention business advertising and marketing ideas to get you started:
1) Treat your customer the way you want to be treated.
It’s called the Golden Rule and it was taught by Jesus Christ. This is a timeless principle and applies in all areas of life, especially business.
If you treat your customer with respect, just like you would want to be treated, you will be elevating your brand. You will be building trust and credibility.
In this day and age, customer service has taken a rapid turn for the worst. Having an excellent customer service ethic will distinguish you from your competition.
CEO of Chick-Fil-A, Dan Cathy, has this value at the heart of his company. In an interview with Mike Huckabee on Fox News, he described how he trains his employees to greet every person with a smile so that they are happy to be there. Now, I realize Chick-Fil-A is under a lot of controversy right now (which I fully support them), but as I’ve heard from others, they have no lack of business, even in these hard times!
2) Set up a thank you, birthday, and Christmas card program.
Let’s face it. Our mailboxes are either filled with junk or bills. Actual personalized mail is very few and far between!
So here’s a chance for you to shine! Set up a system where you send out cards to your customers, whether that’s a thank you card for new business, a birthday card, or a Christmas card.
Big corporations get this. Branded Christmas cards are very popular with big business. What is it they know that we don’t know as small businesses?
They know that sending cards for whatever occasion is worth the investment. Why? Because you are showing your customer that you care. And when you show them that you care through something as simple as a card, your business and your brand will be in the top of their minds.
When they find themselves in need of a product or service like yours, you will come to mind first. And what will this do? Raise your revenue!
3) Give gifts to your premiere customers.
For your best customers, consider creating a gift retention program. Again, corporations get this. Reward loyalty. Send unique items that will remind them of who you are.
There are many options available out there. It’s really only a Google search away. Plus, you can also create branded products that your customers need, want, and desire. This is going to put your business literally under their noses!
Treat your customers well and you will be treated well. This is a simple law of reciprocity, kind of like the law of gravity. It is immutable. Because what goes around comes around.
And when you treat your customer well by instituting these business advertising and marketing ideas, your brand will sizzle and your future will dazzle!
Want more ideas to make your brand sizzle? Click here to take my FREE mini-video course!
It is so true Angela, even though we are small businesses we must treat our customers and clients as if they are the only one. Building raving fans is really not that difficult. It takes a plan which I am glad you bring up setting in place a customer retention program.
You offer some great ideas and different ways small business can do this. I’m looking forward to sharing this with others.
Glad I could offer some great ideas and thanks for sharing!–Dana Susan Beasley, AngelArts