February is almost over, the year is marching on quickly, too quickly in my opinion.
Are you ready to make your 2012 truly rock?
Announcing my new FREE teleseminar series, Rock Your 2012. Discover a fresh perspective for the year. Discover abundance, prosperity, success, financial freedom, and blessings!
The premiere episode begins Thursday, March 1 at 1pm EST, and features five ladies who truly rock! I am so honored to have them join me in this new endeavor!
I call them my unofficial “Angel Network.” These five “rock stars” in the work-at-home Mom’s business world have all been guiding forces in my life and business. They have incredible pearls of wisdom to share for your life and business.
Here is what we will be covering on the FREE teleseminar:
- The Power of a Vision
- The Importance of Communication
- Creating a Different Kind of Business
- Using Pinterest for Business
- Building a Membership-Based Business
- Building a Dazzling Future by Building a Sizzling Brand
My “rock star” panel, includes:
Karla Campos is the owner of Gig Logo, a web services company specializing in social media & blogging. She helps attract more customers to your business through online interactions so that your company can increase its sales. For more information on Karla and Gig Logo, please visit her website, her Facebook page, or her Twitter profile.

Jill Hart’s entrepreneurial career began in her teens when she spent a summer working with her father who ran his own business. When he put her in charge of a Coke machine and allowed her to keep the profits, she saw the benefits of being her own boss. She is the founder of the popular Christian work-at-home website, CWAHM.com. Jill has articles published in In Touch Magazine, P31 Woman magazine and Focus on the Family’s Thriving Family, as well as across the web on sites like DrLaura.com. She is the author of So You Want To Be a Work-at-Home Mom and speaks to audiences around the country about faith, business and leadership topics. For more information on Jill and CWAHM.com, please visit her websites, http://cwahm.com and http://jillhart.com, her Facebook page, or her Twitter profile.

Airrykah has a true gift for motivating people. She is the author of Jump Start Your Dream and 100 ways to Conquer College. Airrykah is a graduate of North Carolina State University. She is the CEO and founder of the online women’s ministry Be Inspired!. Airrykah is also the host of the empowering talk show “Be Inspired! Today” as well as a vision coach for Entrepreneurs and Home Executives. Airrykah has devoted herself to helping others recognize their gifts and maximize their life’s potential. For more information on Airrykah and Be Inspired, please visit her website or her Twitter profile.

Lisa Rodriguez spent 25 years in Corporate America, but being an entrepreneur at heart, she always had a home-based business “on the side” either in direct sales, or doing administrative work for local businesses. After completing a coaching certification program and interacting with like-minded people who all had the entrepreneurial mindset, she finally had the clarity for her vision and the confidence to step out into the world and offer what she knew were a valuable set of services and skills.
Next Level Consulting & Virtual Assistance is an online business consulting firm that specializes in helping coaches and entrepreneurs create productive businesses, while maximizing their Internet presence and revenues. Her company provides business strategy and consulting, in addition to implementation and support. Her team’s primary objective is to show initiative and play more of a “partner” role versus simply taking care of specific tasks. Learn today how you can delegate more, free your time and grow your business. For more information on Lisa and Next Level Consulting & Virtual Assistance, please visit her website, her Facebook page, her Twitter profile, or her LinkedIn profile.

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer. Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula. You can also find JoJo on web sites such as Crosswalk.com and Dr.Laura.com. For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit her website, her Facebook page, or her blog.
So are you ready to make your 2012 Rock!
Sign up today! And, for signing up, you will be receiving some freebies and offers from these wonderful ladies and myself!
Please note: Once you opt-in as part of my subscriber list, you will receive AngelArts’ complimentary ezine BrandNotes as well as a FREE mini course to help you make your brand sizzle!
i hate spam as much as you do. I promise to never rent or sell your information to any other organization. You may opt out at anytime.
If you want more information on this rocking free teleseminar, click here.
See you on the call!
WOMAN WITH GUITAR © Stiven | Dreamstime.com
I am so super excited for you to get out there and get your branding business up and running. This is going to be a tremendous help to people who are in business for themselves!! Way to go, Dana Susan!
Thanks, Christy! I’m super excited, too! I can’t wait to help people have dazzling futures by creating sizzling brands and I am SOOOO passionate about passionate-centered branding! I think you’re the one who helped me come up with that phrase! Please spread the word!
Nice. Looking forward to the series! Thanks for the info.
Thanks, Barbara! I am looking forward to it, too! Glad I could be of help!
Dana Susan!
you have a new blog look too. I am waiting for your video but you gave very good marketing tips. It seems some of us are born with that spirit of doing big things and some settle.
Thanks, John! Life is a challenge but it is seldom boring to me!