Believing in YOU—Essential to Your Branding Success

What makes or breaks your success? What one false belief could derail your future? What mindset could kill your dreams? A lack of self confidence. A lack of believing what you have to offer has value. Not believing in YOU! Not long ago, I sat down with a potential client in a strategy session. I […]

Crippled by Fear. What are You Going to Do With It?

As an entrepreneur and small business owner, fear can paralyze you. It can stop you in your tracks. Will you let it? Or will you find a way to leverage that fear, resulting in more success and bigger impact? Sure, I get it. We’ve been there, believe me. Sometimes the uncertainty of owning your own […]

What Do You Do When You’re in a Valley?

So if we could, we all would live on a mountaintop, right? We would always have enough. Actually, more than enough. More clients. More products sold. More services sold. More revenues. But life is full of ups and downs. And business is no exception. What can we do when we experience valleys in our business? […]

Business Success–5 Essentials You Need to Succeed!

Last Saturday, I had the honor of being a guest on a local radio show. The topic was how to make a business wildly successful. Here are some ideas to help you succeed beyond your wild imaginings! 1) Integrity. This is the number one factor of success in business. Truly. Don’t take shortcuts. Strive to […]

Business Success–Keep on Swimming in the Face of Challenges

Somehow while I was thinking of a title for this blog entry, I had a picture of Dory from the movie Finding Nemo. She kept on swimming in the face of huge obstacles. I’ve felt like Dory a lot lately. Like I’m swimming against the tide. Exhaustion and confusion sweeps over me and I become […]

The Secret to Any Problem, Even in Business!

I’m curious, on this Valentine’s Day, how’s your love life? And how is that effecting your business? I don’t mean your earthly relationship–I’m talking about the relationship you have with the Lord Jesus. Have you lost your first love? Because without His love pouring out in your life, you will struggle in your relationships. In […]