Stock Photo: Markers. Image: 86380
You want to build a strong brand. But how do you exactly do that?

By my secret sauce of logo design! My AAA formula!

And what is that?

You make your logo:

But how on earth do you do that, especially if you don’t know anything about graphic design?

Well, let me break it down for you:

The secret to building a strong brand, to constructing an effective brand image or logo, is in this AAA formula I’ve just shared.

1) Aesthetic. You’ve got to use design elements that are going to please the eye. Take advantage of color, typography, and art to create a unified image that not only conveys your company message, but screams I’m a masterpiece standing above the crowd!

2) Appealing. You have got to know your target market and their preferences. What is their age? Gender? Interests? Narrowing down your audience will help you make better choices when it comes to creating your logo. You want to make it appealing to your target audience.

3) Attractive. You want to pull your target market in, not push them. Your logo should be memorable and one that your audience can connect with. It’s all about magnetizing your target market so they will be converted into a lead and ultimately a paying customer. Your brand image needs to be compelling and leave your audience with wanting to know more about you.

Follow my AAA formula and you will have a brand that sizzles and a future that dazzles!

Want to know more about my secret sauce of designing a AAA brand image? Download my free report, “Your Guide to Building a Family Economy that SIZZLES.” In this 115 page ebook, I share step by step how you can build lasting businesses for your whole family by showing you how to create effective brands. Click here now to download your free copy!

© Photographer: O’jay Barbee | Agency:

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