Business card designs. How do you keep a potential contact from throwing your business card away?

You make sure they want to keep it!

How? Let me illustrate!

Last night after a meeting attended, I had a conversation with the speaker. In the course of our talk, I gave her one of my business cards, which of course, I always have on hand.

What was her response?

Very favorable! As soon as she saw it, she made some kind of “oh” sound and something about, “I like it!” Very enthusiastic!

Do you think I gave her a Vistaprint free card?

Absolutely not!

I gave her one of my custom-designed cards. This card features my logo, my picture, a nice background, my website in big letters and a little pitch for my ezine list (see above.)

It’s definitely unusual and she noticed immediately!

What about you? What kind of responses are you getting with your business cards? Do you even have business cards? What is the purpose of your business cards? What kind of response are you trying to get with them?

Cheap and free is not always best. In fact, it can be detrimental to your business!

If you want a successful business, then you must take it seriously. And this means investing in custom-made business cards. Then your brand will truly sizzle!

Want to learn more about how to make your brand sizzle? Take my FREE 10 day mini-video course and read my free report!

Need to get started right away on how to make a custom brand and custom business cards? Take my online tutorial course! You can get started immediately even if it’s 2 am on a Sunday!

Want even more help? Help from a branding consultant in a workshop atmosphere? Join my webinar program starting on April 10! You will have a new logo image, business card, and web banner in seven weeks!

4 Responses

  1. Dana Susan, when I first started in business years ago, I tried to use those free cards from Vista Print. I used them for a month. I handed them out if I happened to be out and someone asked for a card. No business.

    I bought a small set of custom cards later, and the first one I gave out gave the same response you described. I didn’t get the business and changed markets soon afterwards to where I am now…but the effect has always stayed with me. Lesson: NEVER go cheap! Great advice!!

    1. Thank you for that incredible story, Christi! That really validates what I’m saying about business cards! Somewhere I have a box full of VistaPrint cards. I never was excited about passing them out! And I just created some new custom cards for Brand Identity Quest. Cheap just would not do! But the secret is, I got a really good price! It is so worth putting a little effort into your business cards and not trying to get them for free! My cards are very unique and they will get noticed!

  2. Dana, I couldn’t agree with you more! I believe that branding goes all the way to the little things, like your business cards. People really do notice things like that. At least I know I do! If it makes me to a double-take (or even triple-take), then it’s worth looking further into.

    1. Good advice, Angelica! It is the little things that make a difference! Getting noticed is the goal of branding and that’s hard to do with cookie cutter logos!

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